
A little blog about a little dog named Paisley

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kohl's and Kids

 In Texas, we have tax free weekend right before school starts back. I have tried it before, and it just seems to me that they raise prices and then cut them to make you think you are getting a deal. On top of that, you have to fight crowds. After it is over, everything is wiped out.

My oldest has needed a few shirts for awhile now. He hates shopping for clothes, and I am tired of buying clothes for him and having to return them. I knew, if I did not force him to go with me, it would mean facing crowds or wiped out merchandise. So, I somehow got him to Kohl's today and got a few things. It's a good thing he is not a girl, or he will make no sacrifice what-so-ever in the name of fashion. It can look great or have his favorite game logo. It does not matter unless it is completely comfortable.

I tried on few things. I think the heat has me so over summer that I am even sick of the clothes. Truthfully, I am hoping to lose weight before fall.

Paisley waiting patiently in Kohl's dressing room.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I make pink look good

I ran to Target and just happened to go down the pet isle. I glanced at the collars, and there was one I just could not resist. Pink and sparkly. If it had been one or the other, then I might have resisted. It did not help matters that I had recently picked up a pink polka dot bow. They were meant to go together and meant for Miss Paisley. I came home an put them together and on Paisley. So cute and so girly. Love it! I don't know what it is about pink but I just absolutely love it. It just makes me feel happy!

Okay, did any one else catch the Bachelorette? Of course, I watched it. I thought all along it might be Chris. They seem very happy. So nice to see a happy ending.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Farmer's Market

We have had a nice weekend. Saturday morning we got up early and went to the little farmers market where we live. We came home and had a nice breakfast with some items found at the market.

Today on Iron Chef, the secret ingredient is chihuahua! 

Say What?!?!
It has been so very hot. I am always torn between wanting to get out and go somewhere and do something or staying home and hiding out from the heat. I try and tell my self to work on projects or cross things off the dreaded to do list on days when it is so hot. So, that is what I did Saturday. I worked on some things around the house and cooked. I like to have food ready for Sunday, so we can just relax before the week starts.

Oh, and of course I took pictures of  Paisley. She is such a good sport. I don't think that I have had this much fun since my kids were babies!  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Crazy days but Paisley makes it better

We have had a busy and kind of crazy end to this week. The crazy part started with a  Dr's appointment. I got to the doctors office and got out of my car. I saw one of Paisley's dog bags, that looks more like a purse, and thought I might better toss it in the trunk. I forgot that my trunk has been temperamental about closing, or I never would have considered this.

First of all it makes this noise when you use the remote that I can only describe as someone killing a Penguin. It's a kind of shrieking sound. Second of all, you have to push the button about three times and then it finally shuts.

Well, I pushed the button repeatedly to no avail, and due to the horrid sound people around are looking. I would try and shut it, nothing. Maybe a good slam? Nope. I finally had to surrender to the fact that it was not going to close. So I called from the parking lot and canceled my appt. I found an old phone charger, tied it semi sort of shut, and drove slowly home. It popped open before I was even half way there.

I really wanted to discuss changing my thyroid medicine that I am on, so I was really frustrated that I have to wait! The bright side I got to come home to my sweet Paisley girl. It really does make you feel better when you come home to sweet snugly puppy who is so thrilled to see you. I remember Bonnie Hunt saying for most people "Your dog is the only one that is going to greet you like your a rock star when you walk through the door." So true!

Oh and miss Paisley has adjusted quite well to staying in the bathroom. That's my girl. I am so proud of her!

Another hot day in Texas. Paisley staying cool in front of a fan.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Heatwave and shopping. Gotta love Texas!

We needed to get dog food and desperately needed to get groceries today. The weather man said it would hit a high of around 102 today. So Paisley, the boys, and I decided to head out early.

I am from California originally and, even though I have lived in Texas much longer, I have forever been spoiled by California weather. I complain through the heat and humidity of summer and the near death tornado fears of spring here in Texas. I guess I complain a little through winter when it has been gloomy for what seems like forever and I long to see the sun. I am a very happy fall person, and I really do love Texas. It is a wonderful place to live. At certain temperatures, too hot or too cold, I tend to plan my days around the weather if I can. So today was an early day.

Petsmart, Walmart and Costco.

Paisley rode in her new bag in the front of the cart at Costco.

Can you see me? I am in here.

She was a very good girl. She just laid in her bag and chewed her Nylabone. They had Popcornopolis today at Costco. That stuff is my Kryptonite. I wanted to run the other direction when my youngest son said look. Then I thought, why should they suffer because of my weakness. So I gave in. I  am pretty safe as long as they don't choose zebra flavor. They chose cheese, kettle corn, and a new flavor cinnamon bun.We opened the cinnamon bun tonight. I just thought I would have a little taste. Yum! Who knew popcorn could taste so much like a cinnamon bun. So much for low carbs for today!
Hey, where's the cinnamon bun flavor? I'll never tell.

As you can see Paisley was worn out from our day. She will most likely get a second wind about the time I am ready for bed.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Lazy Sunday afternoons and Hallmark

We had a lazy Sunday morning.

Even the dogs were lazy.

Miley loves to snuggle on a good blanket or anything else for that matter. 

My husband made my favorite meal. I call it pizza eggs because to me they taste like pizza. I guess it's because they have ham, sausage, bell peppers and onion. Yum!

Paisley cannot have onions, so she had her usual fried egg. I would not dare try to give her scrambled eggs again.

 We watched a Hallmark movie that we had recorded and also the new Hallmark series Cedar Cove featuring Andie McDowell. It was only the second episode We really like it so far. I love the Hallmark channel. I like that it has movies that are generally kind of happy and uplifting with a good message.

I am trying to get Paisley used to staying in the bathroom this week since she is obviously done with her crate. I thought I might leave her out with the big dogs but no matter how I try to puppy proof I just see too much for her to get into. So I am giving her short stays in the bathroom. Maybe Bella will stay in with her on the first stay that is a little longer. I am sure she will be thrilled.

We watched the Bachelorette tonight. It was kind of sad and a little painful to watch. A whole lot of crying. Reminded me of dating and break up days, and I have to say I don't miss it. If I were in her shoes I would have saved my tears for after he left and focused on the guys that seemed to really care. I know, easier said than done.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Miss Priss

I have been putting Paisley in her car seat in the back seat lately, because the kids have been with me most everywhere I have been. My youngest sits back there with her, and she has been fine with it. Today, I ran to Sonic for happy hour. It is just around the corner, and it is so hot. So, I just sat her next me.

Later today, I had to run the kids a few places. So, I put Paisley in the back seat in her car seat, and we headed out. Paisley started whining and fussing almost as bad as when I leave her. I thought maybe her fur was stuck in the buckle or something. I had my son check and there was not a thing wrong. I was really getting worried and then it hit me. She was having a fit, because I had put her up front with me earlier in the day.

Sometimes it shocks me that she could be that smart. I stuck to my guns and made her stay in the back, and she settled down once she figured out that I was not giving in. Safety first.