
A little blog about a little dog named Paisley

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Heatwave and shopping. Gotta love Texas!

We needed to get dog food and desperately needed to get groceries today. The weather man said it would hit a high of around 102 today. So Paisley, the boys, and I decided to head out early.

I am from California originally and, even though I have lived in Texas much longer, I have forever been spoiled by California weather. I complain through the heat and humidity of summer and the near death tornado fears of spring here in Texas. I guess I complain a little through winter when it has been gloomy for what seems like forever and I long to see the sun. I am a very happy fall person, and I really do love Texas. It is a wonderful place to live. At certain temperatures, too hot or too cold, I tend to plan my days around the weather if I can. So today was an early day.

Petsmart, Walmart and Costco.

Paisley rode in her new bag in the front of the cart at Costco.

Can you see me? I am in here.

She was a very good girl. She just laid in her bag and chewed her Nylabone. They had Popcornopolis today at Costco. That stuff is my Kryptonite. I wanted to run the other direction when my youngest son said look. Then I thought, why should they suffer because of my weakness. So I gave in. I  am pretty safe as long as they don't choose zebra flavor. They chose cheese, kettle corn, and a new flavor cinnamon bun.We opened the cinnamon bun tonight. I just thought I would have a little taste. Yum! Who knew popcorn could taste so much like a cinnamon bun. So much for low carbs for today!
Hey, where's the cinnamon bun flavor? I'll never tell.

As you can see Paisley was worn out from our day. She will most likely get a second wind about the time I am ready for bed.

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